TradCatFem Is Now On Telegram

Joining different social media enables TradCatFem to reach more people and I am so happy to announce that I am now on Telegram.

For exclusive content, be sure to join TradCatFem on Telegram.

TradCatFem is also on MeWe , TikTok and on other social media platforms.

I look forward to seeing you on my Telegram.

 ad Jesum per Mariam



2 thoughts on “TradCatFem Is Now On Telegram

  1. Hi! I love the work you do and especially the recent articles on beards and beer not being what defines masculinity. Do you by chance have any similar articles about what **doesn’t** define femininity?

    I’m part of a traditional Catholic singles group on Facebook and the masculinity article was a hit so wanted to turn the tables now.

    God Bless!

    Liked by 1 person

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