Why Men Are Choosing The Tree Over A Woman

Apparently, in response to the ‘man versus bear’ debate that women have been discussing in recent weeks, whereby the vast majority of women are saying that they would prefer to run into a bear than a man in the woods, the menz decided to retaliate – not with their own original rebuttal πŸ™„ – but y parroting and mimicking the women’s discourse. Β 

And here’s the β€˜pearl of wisdom’ these vacuous, zero-personality NPCs have come up with:

β€œWomen are choosing the bear??!! Oh yeah??! Well, we men would rather speak about our feelings (again, weaponising feelings cos they know that women care about feelings and emotions, which these men do not have) to a tree rather than to a woman!!!”

Really?? Really though??!


Just pause there for a second. Β 

Note that they did not say they would prefer to talk about their feelings to another man…..or even to an animal……they chose a tree!


Why is that?Β 

As a psychology graduate with a background in psychotherapy, here is precisely why these men are saying that they would rather vent their feelings to a tree, rather than to a woman…….or another man or even an animal.Β 

The reason why these men prefer to talk a tree about their feelings is very simple: they want an object that would simply sit there and absorb all of their physical and verbal abuse and tirades, without ever reacting, defending or expressing itself. Β 

This is exactly what they expect from women, by the way: for women to simply shut up, sit there, and be their verbal, emotional and physical punchbag, absorbing it all, without complaining, reacting or even holding them accountable for it…….just like a tree would. Β 

Note that these men do not even mention another human, even another man. Β 

This is because talking to another person, man or woman, will result in that person either holding them accountable for what they did wrong (men don’t want that!), offering advice or solutions on what they can do next (men don’t want that!) or simply asking them what they intend to do about their feelings to make things better for themselves (men don’t want that either!)

They just want you to be an inanimate object – like an Annabelle doll – that they bring out whenever they feel like it, use and abuse any way they like without the doll speaking or reacting back, and then storing the doll away on the shelf, until the next time they decide they want to use the doll again. Β 

It is a highly narcissistic mindset, that perceives people purely as objects, devoid of their own opinions, feelings or reactions – even animals have feelings and would react. Β And men don’t want that either!!

This is why these men are choosing the tree over women, over other men and even animals.Β  Β 

It’s far more dark and psychopathic than you can imagine.Β 

This is why you need to leave these men alone. They perceive and therefore will treat you with less regard and less value that they give to even a living animal.Β  And this is why they are HIGHLY DANGEROUS!

The great thing about social media is that these men are openly verbalising and expressing how they feel about women, how they perceive women and their dark intentions for women.Β  To protect yourself and save your life, it would be wise of you to listen to what they are saying and act accordingly, by extricating yourself QUIETLY AND QUICKLY from the company and presence of any man that expresses red pill, narcissistic or misogynistic ideologies.


Our Lady, Seat of Wisdom, pray for us.




Β ad Jesum per Mariam



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