Beautiful baptismal gowns for your baby’s baptism, specially selected for you.

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Yes, they are gowns; they may look like dresses, but they are actually unisex and are for both boys and females; baby boys were not historically baptised wearing trousers.

Think of it this way: when you see a priest or seminary and a nun or novice, they are of different sexes, right?ย  But they are both dressed in what a non-Catholic may consider a gown, but this is actually a cassock for the priest, and a habit for the nun.

Kinda the same principle applies re baptismal gowns for babies: both baby boys and girls are dressed historically in the same type of baptismal gown.

A great example is to look to traditional Anglican baptisms, which retain a lot of the ancient rites from Catholicism.ย  Babies of both genders are baptised in special baptismal gowns as shown here by Catherine at the baptism of her two sons and daughters.


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