Mary Magdalene And Femininity Through Grace

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Mary Magdalene, whose feast day it is today, is the inspiration behind this blog post.

I chuckle when people say that the Catholic Church hates women.


I practically fall off my chair laughing when I see feminists, liberals and SJWs arguing for women’s rights because they believe women are inferior or viewed as inferior.


If only these people knew the high regard the Church has for women and how God Himself created Woman as the jewel of His creation.
God also gave Woman the gift of nurturing and bearing life, and the use of Woman’s femininity to influence and shape communities and nations.


For, it was through a woman, our Lady, that God was made flesh, and it was a woman, Mary Magdalene, who was the first to witness the Resurrection.


Just as a woman (Eve) had announced the words of death to the first Man, and a woman (Virgin Mary) was chosen to be the first Monstrance, so also a woman (Mary Magdalene) was the first to announce to the Apostles, the words of life.


If men today revered and cherished women, instead of viewing them or treating them as inferiors, and women today embraced their feminine energy, instead of throwing it off for masculine energy, the world will be a better place.

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Mary Magdalene is proof of God’s grace.Β  She was a woman with a past, a stigma, and yet she refused to let that stop her from boldly following our Lord to the end.

She is a reminder to us all that we too can find redemptive grace, regardless of our past.

It is not where you have been that matters; it is where you are now and where you go from this moment forward in serving and loving God.

Regardless of your past, whether you are a divorcee, a former pro-choicer etc, repentance and firm resolve to follow our Lord is all that is needed to bring full restoration of beauty, grace and femininity within you.

Through Eve, the Virgin Mary and Mary Magdalene, God continue to speak to us all even today, especially women, about the importance, the grace and specialness of our femininity and rightly-ordered womanhood.

Are we listening?

Just like Mary Magdalene was, are we close enough to our Lord to recognise Him when He calls our name?Β Β Do we love Him as fervently as Mary Magdalene did?

Mary Magdalene, patron of pharmacists, hairdressers and hairstylists, of reformed prostitutes, penitent sinners, converts, contemplatives and many more, pray for us.



Β  Β 

Β ad Jesum per Mariam



2 thoughts on “Mary Magdalene And Femininity Through Grace

  1. Thank you for this beautiful post. I was very blessed to choose femininity and embrace it. My mother was a wonderful teacher, guiding me into womanhood and I continue to serve my Heavenly Father as a woman of grace.

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