The Catholic Conversion Of Candace Owens and Other Celebrities

So, the misguided red piller, Candace Owens, actually recently became Catholic.


PS – for a baptism, especially given her status and wealth, her baptism outfit is horrendous and a clear indicator of the extremely low level of regard and respect she has not just for the Church, but for such an important Sacrament.Β  She claims to be a conservative and would wear dresses and skirts for most of her other appearances, but not for her baptism?? Also, what is this horrible pyjamas-looking set??Β  And if she was truly Conservative and into traditional Catholic, she would know that a dress and a small veil at the very minimum are what she should have worn.

I have seen regular people and even former Only Fans models, who converted to Catholicism would have had far less access to information and resources on appropriate Catholic wear, dress in more appropriate manner!

To me, this horrible outfit of Candace looks like a mockery of conservative values, modesty and the traditional Catholic faith.Β  Even the title she gave her picture omits a very important word: CATHOLIC!!

I know that many of the celebrity converts who are coming into the church, come via red pill content/channels – and that is why I am very sceptical of them and their so-called conversion.

Candace is going to be very disappointed when she delves deeper into Catholicism and realises that, despite the handful of misogynistic people who use the church as a cover, the church itself is anti red pill and anti-misogyny.

We have much respect for women becaus the greatest figure of the church after Jesus is our Lady.Β 

She’ll be very disappointed when she realises that many of the top leaders in the church, including priests and exorcists denounce red pill rhetoric.
What will she do then? Start to attack the church’s teaching and using her large public platform to denigrate the church and try to change Church teaching and tradition via public outcry?
I wouldn’t put it past her to do this

We already have misogynistic catholic frauds in the church. We do not need bandwagon-hopping celebrities adding to the bunch with their red pill nonsense, and moulding church doctrine into their red pill ideology then re-presenting their modified version of Catholicism to the outside world , thus making people think that the church is misogynistic and red pill.Β 

There are a few celebrity converts that I can see are genuine – Mark Wahlberg is one of them, as well as the Jewish guy. Β 

Others are incredibly disingenuous and bring scandal to the church, and Candace, in my opinion, is one of them, especially when she cosied up to Pearl Davis so publicly after she went on a podcast to denigrate the church and the blessed mother. Β Aligning yourself so publicly to an enemy of the Church and the Virgin Mary, and then getting baptised into that same church mere weeks later speaks FRAUD to me – a wolf in sheep clothing – words and actions not aligning.

Russell Brand is another fraud.Β  He was seen brandishing a Rosary on one of his videos or livestreams, and encouraging people to pray the Rosary.Β  The whole of the Catholic digital world almost fell over themselves worshipping him…….failing to conveniently remember that within the same week of this publicity stunt of his, he was also on another video/livestream of his, using TAROT CARDS!!Β  Very foolish Catholics who ignore the Biblical verse that we should test every spirit and be certain that a tree is bearing the right fruit.

Celebrity worship will be the downfall of many people in the church and there will be many people going to Hell because they are too busy gagging over a celebrity convert fraud and following them, instead of following Biblical teaching and Catholic tradition.

People seem to have forgotten that in the 60s, there was a hidden plan to destroy the church from within through a wave of people becoming priests.

There was a rise in numbers of people joining the priesthood and many of these priest frauds proceeded to engage in all sorts of atrocities to destroy the church from within. We all know the result of that – liturgical abuses, gay, abusive priests who abused children – all bringing public scandal to the church. Thankfully, many of them are now being exposed and dealt with, but they have done an immense amount of damage that has led to persecution of Catholics

I honestly believe this sudden wave of public figures – esp atrocious public figures – becoming Catholic is yet another hidden plan. The enemy using widely followed, widely adored public figures that large numbers of people follow, obey and listen to – to infiltrate the church and destroy the church from within. Even these publicΒ  figres may not be aware that they are being influenced to be agents of Satan.
But as Catholics, it is expected of us to have discernment, to be sceptical and not fall into the trap of celebrity worship simply because they are now wearing the mask of being a Catholic.

Whatever the reasons behind this rush of atrocious celebs becoming Catholic, may the fire of the Holy Spirit burn out the chaff that seeks to destroy His church. The gates of Hell will not prevail against God’s church.

I hope I am wrong, but this sense of unease in me is usually my discernment at work.Β  Check back on TCF in 5 or 10 years and you will see that I am proven right.

As a pope once said: everyone is welcome into the Catholic church, but on God’s terms, not their own terms.

We definitely don’t need celebrity ideologies in the church and we won’t tolerate them trying to change, mould oe eradicate Catholic teachings and traditions.

No, I do not trust Candace Owens or believe that her motives for conversion are sincere.Β 

But I will pray for her and say this:

Welcome home, Candace. May the fire of the Holy Spirit burn fiercely within you on your Catholic journey and bring you to a deeper, more authentic conversion. Β And if your conversion is disingenuous or a conscious or subconscious ruse to subvert the church teachings and bring scandal, or as a means to elevate yourself and your status, may that same Holy SpiritΒ  fire burn so fiercely within you and consume you that you become exposed and you will not be able to remain. Β Amen

St. Michael the archangel, protect God’s church and be our defense against evil.Β 
St Joseph, protector of the Church, pray for us.Β 
Our Lady, Seat of Wisdom, pray for us to have wisdom and discernment whenever we learn of celebrity Catholic conversions.


Β ad Jesum per Mariam



3 thoughts on “The Catholic Conversion Of Candace Owens and Other Celebrities

  1. Paige, what is your opinion on the daily wire firing Candace? Do you think they did the right thing?


    1. I haven’t looked into that case. And i don’t particularly care cos i do not follow their news. I only care about representations of the church and catholicism. sorry i couldnt be more help


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