Traditional Catholic, Housewife and Homemaker, and aspiring Lay Carmelite.

Founded in May 2017, the month dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary and the 100th year anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima’s appearance, Traditional Catholic Femininity is a digital platform and brand, offering a 360 Traditional Catholic lifestyle experience fr traditional Catholic girls and women.

My main goals and vision for Traditional Catholic Femininity are to provide support, to inspire and be inspired by Traditional Catholic women of all ages in their vocations, as well as to promote Marian virtues, Biblical femininity, Godly womanhood, and traditional, old-fashioned values.

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Watch the video below for more about Traditional Catholic Femininity.

You can also read about WHY Traditional Catholic Femininity was created HERE.

Check out TCF onย ย Spotifyย for uplifting Catholic music and be sure to follow Traditional Catholic Femininity on LinkedIn, Telegram, MeWe,ย  YouTube,ย ย Facebook, Twitter,ย ย  Instagram,ย andย Pinterestย 

ย ad Jesum per Mariam



10 thoughts on “About

  1. Looking for a VIRTUOUS man, who doesn’t have a cell phone to help him to hell, who loves God more then sin, who is chivalrous, chaste, selfless, kind, humble. Who enjoys good old fashioned wholesome movies. Who enjoys simple things, like picnics, raising saints, and sitting on the front porch watching the sun rise and set while praying the Rosary? Opening the door for a lady, sending her roses. If you’re out there you might be the one I’ve been praying for; for a friend of mine.


  2. Feeling a little down in the night of sense on the Contemplatative path. I know Jesus is healing deeper childhood wounds but I long for a love in this life. Someone to share the good and the bad with. I struggle to know where to meet other catholic Contemplatative- women. I know that it will probably be a thing of grace after this intense period of purification is over. But the pain is great and itโ€™s hard to find perfect security In God at this time. I must have faith and hope and not choose despair. I struggle with shame and it can cut me off from the light Easy.

    Thanks for wholesome content. I love you sister. May we all connect in the mystical body of Christ.

    Liked by 1 person

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