Celibacy Is Working, Ladies

Just check out this latest Bumble ads!

The dating apps and dating websites are getting desperate, yโ€™all!!


As the 4B movement from Korea collides with the decentering men movement, with awareness of narcissism, with Christian women choosing chastity and celibacy by waiting until marriage for sex, as well as women in general having more boundaries and standards all across the world, the dating apps and websites are FEELING IT, yโ€™all!!



I told yโ€™all – women have had enough and now opting out of marriage and even dating.ย 

They would rather choose the bear.ย They would rather be celibate, and prioritise their emotional wellbeing.ย 

It doesnโ€™t help that the red pill incel narcissistic and misogynistic community with its vitriol against women is pushing women further into celibacy, and you even find these misogynistic men within the trad Catholic community too where they go to prey on good Catholic women.

Men today have escalated in their degeneracy and depravity. They are vitriolic towards single moms (as if they are not the ones creating single mothers) and to women over 30 (as if it isn’t mainly women who are over 30 that make up most of the dating app female demographic), so women have simply said “Okay, you are right.ย  We are leaving you alone now.” and they are checking out, out of dating, out of relationships and aut of dating apps.

Men be expecting 50/50 on dates when they know that they should be paying on dates.ย  They are expecting sex after 1 date or after paying for a meal; they aee refusing to provide for their spouses, they are marriage and baby trapping women so they can use them as workhorses and be financially dependent on their wives. Men are increasingly being violent and abusive towards women; women being murdered on the first date, increasing rates of femicide at the hands of men…….it is no wonder that women are checking out.

Dating just isnโ€™t worth the risk anymore for women.ย 

And even the cat insults that men like to use to coerce or shame women arenโ€™t working either. Women would literally prefer the peace and safety of a cat than a man in the house!!

Women always thrive without men. The happiest and healthiest demographic is single women – regardless of the lies that red pill misogynists want to tell you.ย 

It is men who cannot thrive without women. This is why they do everything they can to coerce, shame or force women into interacting with them and having sex with them. Everything they doย is to get a woman – they go to the gym to improve their physique, and they go out to work to earn a living, all in order to get or impress women! Yet at the same time, they abuse and mistreat the women that they desperately need.

And now that women are pulling back, the menz arenโ€™t just upset and angry, but the dating apps and websites are also.ย  So now, apps like Bumble are trying to shame women out of celibacy.ย ย 

What they do not understand is that celibacy is very very easy when you understand and realise that the majority of these men do not even deserve to touch your body.

Fulton Sheen said that women are the ones who enrich society.ย  When a woman is virtuous and has standards and boundaries, the men will have no choice but to improve themselves and raise themselves up to her standards, and this is how women improve societies and breathe life everywhere we go.ย 

This is why you should never ever settle or lower your standards and boundaries.ย 

It is working, ladies!!

As women, we have the power to shut it all down and to create changes we want.ย 

Not through typical male aggression and forceful action, but through feminine energy – receptiveness and non-compliance with things that threaten our sanity, safety, peace, and womanhood.ย 

In a simple, quiet way, we just pull back our feminine energy away from people, places, and things that donโ€™t deserve or value us, and they will have no choice but to changeย 

We have always had that power as women to change the world around us. ย Eve had it and she used it to bring sin and chaos into the world. ย Our Lady had it and she used it to bring grace and redemption.ย 

And as women, every single one of us has it. When we donโ€™t use that power properly, we create chaos, we enable and allow abuse and mistreatment from others towards us.ย  But when you have boundaries and standards, the men will have no choice but to improve themselves and start treating us better, because we have what they desperately need and cannot live without.ย 

See my video below on how femininity is powerful

Men will never treat you better or cherish you if you continue to enable their bad behaviour, and when you choose to stay in their lives, you are literally enabling their bad behaviour.ย 

So keep up the good work, ladies.ย Ignore what Bumble and other dating apps are saying: celibacy IS the answer!
Decenter men. Embrace chastity and celibacy.ย Focus on developing your femininity and womanhood.ย 

We are literally changing the world for the better!!

Our Lady, model of femininity and womanhood, pray for us!!






ย ad Jesum per Mariam




One thought on “Celibacy Is Working, Ladies

  1. Its a group effort. I will say that it is a tragedy that we have “dating” in the Bumble/modern sense. We used to have tight knit communities. Women used to have the wisdom of older women to direct them through pit falls. Men used to have trusted council.

    Thank you for a great post.

    Liked by 1 person

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