The Gift of Feminism – Sologamy

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Solo-WHAT?! I hear you ask.

So-loga-my.ย  Yup, it is a thing now, folks.

When people reject tradition and God’s template for relationships, gender and marriage, everything is up for self-interpretation.

Traditional terms like heterosexual and monogamy are not cool and hip anymore, folks.

We now have homosexual, ecosexual, pedosexual, bisexual, plurisexual, pansexual,ย  polygamy, polyfidelity and the newest member of the gang, Sologamy.

Sologamyย is a marriage by a person to oneself,ย just like THIS WOMAN DID

Marriage is an institution created by God to be between ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN.ย  Not between TWO MEN, not between TWO WOMEN, not between MULTIPLE PARTNERS, not between an adult and A CHILD, not between a human and AN ANIMAL OR PLANT, and certainly not with oneself.

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I have always that asserted that Feminism at its core is and always has been demonic.

The desirable ideologies of the original wave of feminism were simply a lure and a bait.ย  At its core, feminism is truly evil and the layers are being peeled back more and more to reveal its through nature.

Sologamy, the newest feminist invention, is a perversion of God’s original plan for marriage and a reflection of how feminists hate men, marriage and femininity so much that they would rather marry themselves.

This woman could have simply stayed single.ย  Why go through an entire wedding ceremony?ย  It is an attempt to redefine marriage and to pervert its sanctity and meaningfulness.

In a way, we should not be too surprised by this.ย  Our Lady, at Fatima, did tell us that the final battle would be on Marriage and the Family.ย  Well, here we are.

The women who look at articles promoting Traditional Gender Roles and say, โ€œwhat the hell is this crap??!โ€ are the same women moaning, โ€œwhere have all the good men gone?โ€

Good men and women are out there, but people would rather whine and moan about how there are no quality partners left, than work on themselves in order to attract a quality partner.

This narcissistic society now has women marrying themselves and men resorting toย sex robots.ย ย What a sad, sad state of affairs the world has become.

No matter which way liberals and modernists try to spin it, sologamy, sex robots will never ever provide the fulfilment, joy, companionship, happy memories, peace and contentment you get from a traditional marriage, with traditional gender roles, the way God intended from the beginning.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.



The ABCs of Choosing A Good Husband

The Wife Desired

Radical Womanhood:ย  Feminine Faith In A Feminist World


ad Jesum per Mariam
