Dealing With A Blocked Fallopian Tube

I know I do not really share intimate details of my life, but I thought I’d share this as it might help someone.

A few years ago, hubby and I were trying for number two.

We couldn’t understand why it was taking so long, so we had diagnostic tests done.

Luckily, all our blood panels and hormone levels came out fine.

My fertility hormones were all good and the uterus was clear.

However, when during the scan, they discovered a possible blockage on my left fallopian tube.

So I was sent for an HSG (Hysterosalpingography) – a diagnostic scan to check what was going on there.

It turned out that I had a hydrosalpinx – a blockage in the tube.

The options were selective IVF (not really an option for me) or removing the tube altogether.

This was a major decision, so hubs and I said we needed time to think it over.

After discussing things, we decided not to use the medical interventions offered for this.

We decided to try and fix it as naturally as possible.

I am experienced Western herbalist and my husband had already seen how the herbal protocols i created for loved ones and friends have helped them, so he was happy to go along with my suggestion that we try and fix this as naturally as possible.

In addition to herbal medicine, I am also a big fan of combining the right sort of nutritional or therapeutic supplements to achieve wellness, boost immunity, or optimiSe fertility.

You probably saw a glimpse of this is my article SURVIVING THE CORONAVIRUS.

After a bit of research, I decided that there needs to be two main approaches to treating my blocked fallopian tube:

  1. Β I need to clear the blockage
  2. I need to clear out the toxins released from the unblocking from system otherwise they would be floating around and can affect conception.

When it comes to using herbal remedies or natural treatment for fertility issues, it takes a good solid 3 months to see results, but I gave myself a target of 5 months: 3 months on the enzymes and two months on toxin-removal

Here are the items I used:


PS – you do not need to use the exact same brands as pictured below, but you should use the recommended dosage mentioned.

So, for example, if you decide to buy your Bromelain from your local chemist, you should get 500mg Bromelain capsules only, not 250mg and not Bromelain + something else (eg echinacea etc) capsules.

DIM – removes excess estrogen and helps your body metabolise it properly. >>> VIEW

Goldenseal capsules 500mg – to clear out infection.

Enzymes – these need to be taken on an empty stomach, so I would take these 1st thing in the morning on waking up, 30 minutes before my 1st meal.

Then around 4pm, after my last meal was 2 hours before, I would take them again

These enzymes are the main stars for dissolving internal scar tissue, tube blockages and minor uterine fibroids.

Quercetin: 500mg or 1000mg

Bromelain: 500mg capsules

Serrapeptase: 250000 iu

Nattokinase: 2000 fu


PS – if you cannot find Wobenzym, simply use the other enzymes listed above.

Within days, I started to feel light and less bloated.

Quick Tip: if you have gluten or dairy digestion issues, these enzymes will certainly help!

I continued the enzyme therapy for the entire 3 months and for 2 months, I did a cleanse using:

Mixed Greens powder – you can buy premade mixed green powders or make up your own, mixing together equal parts of the powdered greens/herbs, shake the mix well and add a teaspoon mixed in 250ml to 500ml of water every day.

You can add them to smoothies too.

The herbs that MUST be in the Mixed Greens powder are spirulina, chlorella, nettle, chlorophyll, nettle, parsley.Β 

All these enrich the blood and detoxifies the system.

I would take this drink in the morning.


Spice Tea – this would be drunk in the evening.
It is another fantastic detoxifier and purifier, and flushes out toxins from the body.

PS – If you find it hard to sleep after taking this drink in the evening, have it earlier in the day instead.

I mixed together 1/2 teaspoon ginger powder with 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder and a pinch of black pepper to 250ml or 500ml of warm water.Β  You can add a teaspoon of honey for taste.

In addition, I took:

If you noticed, I tend to prefer either powdered herbs/greens and capsules over tablets.

This is because these routes of administration tend to be better absorbed into the body for maximum efficacy.

About 10 months after our last scan that diagnosed me with a blocked tube hydrosalpinx, we had a follow-up scan.

And the tube was completely clear!!

The medic said” are you really sure you had a hydrosalpinx? I cannot see anything here.”

Referring back to my medical notes, he noted that indeed I DID have the blocked tube, but it was now gone.

Later another scan and test confirmed it was really gone.

Years of delay and secondary infertility resolved in under a year!

And then 10 months later, Baby 2 arrived.

Now, these remedies are nothing new – many women have been using them for years to dissolve minor fibroid tumors, unblock tubes or even prevent uterine scar tissue following birth.

I am surprised that it is not more widely known and so many people just automatically resort to drastic measures like surgery.

So, I hope this information is useful and helpful to you or someone you know.

It is normal for a couple to fall pregnant within 12-18 months of regular intercourse. Much earlier, if the woman is in her mid-twenties or younger.

If you are not falling pregnant, I highly recommend getting diagnostic tests done; this will include blood panels, hormone levels testing, and scans.

Identify what the problem is and then try to resolve the issue as naturally as possible.

I felt this article is most appropriate this time as, historically, our Lady was pregnant with the Baby Jesus.

To those struggling with infertility, may you be blessed with the fruit of the womb within 12 months or less.


St. Gerard Majella, pray for us.

Our Lady, the God-bearer, Most Holy Theotokos, pray for us




Β ad Jesum per Mariam




14 thoughts on “Dealing With A Blocked Fallopian Tube

  1. Hi, thank you for all this info. From a control scan/ecography of two months ago it seems I have Hydrosalpinx on my right tube, the doctor prescribed me Seaprose which is, as you might know, also a proteolitic enzym.. there were no instructions regarding taking it on an empty stomach so I took it randomly…do you think this enzyme should be taken as well on an empty stomach? my latest scan showed that the hydrosalpinx is still there, I bought wobenzym now..I hope I can get some results, I know it might take more time but your story brought me some hope bc I’m getting depressed πŸ˜”


  2. Hello, I have bilateral hydrosalpinx and already been taking serrapeptase since January. I would like to do your regimen of herbs, but I would like if you can clarify if possible how much do you I have to take per day of each. Thank you in advance.


  3. Hi, I have Bilateral hydrosalpinx, been trying to get pregnant for 4 years now. I want to do your protocol, but is not clear the dosage you took of each per day. If you can please clarify. I have been taking Serrapeptase since January, currently taking 7 pills/day. Thank you


    1. Hi Paula
      email me and i can develop your personalised protocol for you. the amount of serrapetase you take is unecessary and you will need other things to fix the issue


  4. Hi, I hope this page is still being monitored! Anyway, many women report being violently ill, basically vomiting everything they had for hours until all they could splat out was bile (even being hospitalized) after taking serrapeptase. Is there another option besides serrapeptase or do you think this regimen could work without the serrapeptase?


    1. thanks for your comment. those reactions are extremely rare – i have never heard of women having these reactions and i am part of many online forums for women and reproductive health.
      it could be that these rare reactions come from extremely high dosage of serrapeptase.
      serrapeptase should be started at a low dose, stepping up dosage every 2 weeks. Other options are nattokinase and/or a mix of bromelain and quercetin.
      nonetheless, serrapeptase should never cause such reactions; it is a naturally occuring enzyme.

      If the serrapeptase these “women” are taking are capsules with other ingredients, then yes, these problems can happen.

      This is why i advocate for single ingredient supplements (ie supplements that have just that item as its ingredients and not in combination with others) as you can easily control the dosage and you know that there is nothing else in it that can cause problems.

      the only compound supplements i would recommend are a general multivitamin and/or b complex. these are extremely safe to take for general wellbeing……but they will not unblock a tube or dissolve fibroids.


    1. Add maca powder to your smoothies or protein drinks!! It’s really great at balancing female hormones while maintaining fertility.
      And thank you


    2. Hi I am in my 40s and I was TL and remarried I want to have a baby again. I went for hormonial checked and my doctor said i can still have a baby..but I want to try the remedies you talked about it..thanks Dora


  5. Hi. Thankyou for your story. Can you recomend some herbs or suplements that can help for hypotalamic amenorrhea or low estrogen?


    1. Vitex aka chasteberry is excellent for this. Take either 1 teaspoon of the powder in 500ml water daily or 2x 500mg capsules daily.
      Do this for 3-4 months


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