Surviving The Coronavirus

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I have finally gotten round to writing my thoughts on the Coronavirus thingy and I really appreciate your patience with me.

There’s so much to write about it and putting it together in an organized, but simplified manner has been a bit of a challenge, so I have decided to keep it short and sweet by addressing key points and then provide you with resources for you to peruse later at a convenient time for you.


Reports suggest that the Coronavirus aka COVID-19, began in late November 2019 in Wuhan, China and was not identified until later, at first people thought it could be a new SARS epidemic.

The Chinese gov has been accused of covering it up.

The official version is it began in mid to late January, either way the spread is fast.

It has a 14-24 day incubation period, and some patients have been released as clear, only to come down with the virus again, meaning testing may not be identifying it as well as we are told.

Covid-19 started out as an outbreak, has since become an epidemic, and may be set to become a pandemic.

EDIT 11 MARCH 2020:

The World Health Organisation declares the Coronavirus as a pandemic.


Transmission is mainly through respiratory droplets and close contact โ€“ similar to how influenza is spread.

Transmission can occur within close contact ie 6 feet, within a room or care area for a prolonged period without personal protective equipment OR having direct contact with secretions of a person with COVID-19 infection.

There is some evidence that fecal-oral or blood transmission may be possible, even when COVID-19 is not detected in oral swabs.

Investigations are underway to determine how long COVID-19 can survive on various surfaces and possibly be transmitted through โ€œfomitesโ€ (a fancy word for objects or materials that can carry infection, such as tabletops, keyboards, clothes, and utensils).

Edit 18 March – it has been said that the virus can survive on hard surfaces for up to 27 days!!


Reported symptoms include:

  • Uncomplicated upper respiratory symptoms – Cough, sore throat, nasal congestion, malaise, headache, muscle aches)
  • Fever (which may not be present in the very young or very old, or immunocompromised)
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Mild pneumonia
  • Severe pneumonia – the severe pneumonia caused by COVID-19 is now named severe acute respiratory infection (SARI))
  • Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
  • Sepsis and Septic shock
  • Death – due to multiple organ failure


No.ย  It is not.

The people who are dying from coronavirus are dying from multiple organ failure. The flu just doesnโ€™t do that.

Covid-19 is more deadly than seasonal flu.

The average flu strain kills about 0.1% of those infected, but the Covid-19 mortality rate is much higher.

Covid-19 also seems to spread more easily than seasonal flu ie it is more infectious than the flu.
People with the seasonal flu will infect on average 1.3 more people; however, the infection for Covid-19 is 2.2

Also, Covid-19 is a totally new virus in humans, which means we currently have no natural immunity or vaccines for this virus.

In fact, Chinese doctors say autopsies of coronavirus victims suggest that COVID-19 is โ€œlike a combination of SARS #SARS and AIDS as it damages both the lungs and immune systems,โ€ and can cause โ€œirreversibleโ€ lung damage even if the patient survives. >>>>> SOURCE

This is why having a strong immune system is vital, as I will go into below.

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There’s no need to wear face masks unless you are coming into close contact with someone who is infected with the virus.

In a way, I can understand why certain people would wear face masks, especially in public places.

As we live in a globalist world with lots of travel and movement between countries, either for work or leisure, there could be a solid chance that the person sitting next to you on the bus or standing by you at the supermarket may be infected with the virus or has had close contacted with an infected person.

My personal take is this: if you live in a low population area or like I do, in a low-density village or town, then you MAY not need a face mask.

If you live or travel around a high population density area such as the cities or use public transport such as the Tube (aka subway in the US) where there are most likely lots of people, then you might want to use a face mask…..ESPECIALLY if you are already immuno-compromised.

For most people with a healthy immune system, you do not necessarily need a face mask.

EDIT Apr 2020 – many countries are advising the use of masks for EVERYONE in public.ย  Many people will be infected with the Coronavirus, but show no symptoms, and thus will go on to infect many others.ย  Having everyone wear masks is a very wise decision, in my opinion.


This is not strictly true.ย  Older people, especially aged 55 years and above, are more likely to get the serious versions of the virus, due to their lowered immune system, but anyone with a pre-existing health condition is also at risk.

Children and younger people are not usually at risk of getting severe forms of the illness or dying from it, but they can still spread the virus.

If they come in contact with an elderly person, a person with a pre-existing health condition or someone with a weakened immune system, then it can be risky for that person.

EDIT 18 Mar – below are the categories of people classed as vulnerable to infection, and this includes the asthmatic and pregnant women.ย  The youngest victim to die of the disease in the UK was an otherwise healthy man in his 40s

EDIT Apr 2020 – more younger people, including children and newborn babies, are dying from the Coronavirus.
All, not just the elderly, are at risk.


Given the rate and speed of the disease infection, a lot of people, including some within the medical or scientific fields are starting to realise that it may become difficult to contain this disease.

The result of this would be large-scale shut-down of major establishments and even workplaces.

It is already happening now.ย  There are schools, public places, and even churches around the world being closed until further notice.ย  This is being done to prevent community spread of the disease ie human to human spread.

In addition, the healthcare industries are being stretched as medical professionals struggle to not just treat the infected, but also try and contain the spread.ย  As a result, a lot of medical professionals are suffering severe burn-out and many are getting the disease too, which means they are unable to do their job.

If sectors of society continue to shut down, the supply of goods and services, in particular food, will be restricted, rationed, or even completely stopped!

People are anticipating this and stocking up on items and this is why supermarkets are experiencing shortages.

Panic-buying seems to have connotations of fear, so I would say that we are led by the attitude of PREPAREDNESS and not FEAR.

When motivated by preparedness, we are able to clearly focus and acquire items that are essential, instead of having a fear-driven mindset and stocking up on toilet paper.

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“You shall not fear the terror of the night nor the arrow that flies by day, Nor the pestilence that roams in darkness, nor the plague that ravages at noon. Though a thousand fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, near you it shall not come.”


While it is important that we do take the Coronavirus seriously, I don’t think panicking would be a good idea.

In fact, falling into fear and panic can do more harm than good such as causing to make irrational decisions like prioritising purchases of toilet roll over say food and so on.

God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind.

In the Bible, He tells us “Fear Not!” almost 365 times – something to remember for every day of the year.

Going into a panic over things we cannot control is counterproductive, so in situations like these, focus LESS on THINGS THAT ARE OUT OF YOUR CONTROL and focus MORE on the THINGS THAT YOU CAN CONTROL.

Things You Cannot Control:

  • When or if a vaccine or cure would be released.
  • Other people around you, outside your immediate family, getting sick
  • People in public being sick, coughing or sneezing.ย  Not every one that coughs or sneezes will have the Coronavirus; some of them may simply have the seasonal flu, allergies or they may simply be smokers.
  • How soon or how quickly you or other patients will get treated in hospital
  • Whether or not you will eventually be quarantined or required to self-isolate.

In a time like this, it is more important that we do not waste precious resources or energy on things that do not matter or that are out of our control.

Focus instead on things that you CAN control, in order to protect yourself and/or your immediate family.

So. Here Is What You CAN Do:
  • Avoid stress
  • Be Asocial
  • Work on the outside – Hygiene and Sanitation
  • Work on the inside – Immunity support
  • Be prepared

See PANDEMIC ESSENTIALS for items you definitely need to survive this pandemic


Stress DOES kill and it does so by lowering your immune system due to your body releasing cortisol and adrenaline.

Make survival your priority now, because at the end of the day, this is what we are all trying to do right now – get through this epidemic and survive it.

Avoiding stress and getting lots of sleep – 8-hour minimum – will do much to bolster your body’s immune system.

Stress lowers your immune defenses and makes you more vulnerable to illness.

Stress also lowers your white blood cellsโ€™ abilities to kill germs and actually creates more inflammation

Got a toxic friend, group, family member or romantic interest in your life? Cut them out and go No Contact!

This is your life that you are fighting for and you don’t have time to be dealing with nonsense from sociopathic, toxic or dysfunctional people.

Speaking of stress, stay away from the fear and panic being generated by the media.ย  ย It is easy to get overwhelmed with the vast amount of information coming from the media, so simply pick a handful of reliable sources of news and information to get updates or advice, and ignore the rest.

At the bottom of this article, I share the reliable media and news resources that I use.


Limiting physical contact with the general public can be very helpful.

The virus can be spread droplet infection, which makes sense as a lot of respiratory diseases tend to be spread via the droplets in the air.

Avoid crowded areas such as markets, public transport, etc and stay home, if you can.

When out in public, you must maintain SOCIAL DISTANCING – 2 Metres Distance Determines Our Existence

This Coronavirus incident is a great excuse to start exploring ways to build an income, working from home, whether you build an entire business or a side hustle.

What happens if there is a pandemic and the entire city or region goes into shutdown and quarantine for extended periods?

Even if you have a career where you can’t work from home, I would recommend getting a side hustle and building that.

Many of us who are housewives tend to also have a little side hustle that we work on from home.ย  Households like these will tend to better survive the financial or economical impact of a pandemic.

As our society becomes more globalist in nature, with more people traveling between countries for work, epidemics and pandemics like these would become more recurrent, so prepare ahead.

More on being asocial:

Limit handshaking and social kissing.ย  I suspect that the reason why it spread so quickly in Italy is due to Italians’ social kissing culture, so let’s limit that and even handshaking too, to reduce droplet transmission.

Perhaps society should resort to old-fashioned methods of greetings like bows and curtsies……at least, for a while.

In summary, avoid crowded places, stay home where possible, discourage visitors to the home, no handshaking, no kissing, no social kissing and definitely, no kissing of babies.

EDIT 12 MARCH – experts recommend social distancing ie keeping a distance from infected cases in order to prevent getting infected and prevent spread.

I came across this awesome app that pinpoints your location in the world and shows you the nearest infected case to you.

It’s a FREE app. I’m not sure if it’s on Android, but I downloaded it on the Apple App Store on to my phone.

The app is called COVID-19 TRACKER

EDIT 18 Mar – many governments are now mandating quarantines, self-isolation and lockdowns….highlighting what I said about the need for us all to be a bit asocial at this time.


Practicing good hygiene and sanitation can do much to reduce or even prevent disease infection.

There is some discussion that the virus can be found in feces, so always flush the toilet with the seat down to prevent droplet infection, whether or not you have the virus or have any symptoms.

Remember, the virus can incubate for 2 weeks without any symptoms, so better safe than sorry.

The above can be diligently adhered to at home.ย  The use of public toilets is not encouraged as not everyone will flush public toilets with the seat down after use and this means that there will be microscopic fecal matter and droplets in the air, in these places.

Try to have your groceries and other items delivered to the home, so you do not have to go into public spaces or be around strangers.

There is some talk that the virus can be spread on surfaces, so when you receive packages in the mail and even letters, you can do what I do.

I leave them in the entrance hallway and first spray or wipe them down with the sanitisers below.

I let it rest for about 30minutes before bringing them into the home.

You do not know who has handled the package and you just have to assume that it is all contaminated, so having your house all sanitized and clean only to contaminate it with items from the outside is counterproductive, in my opinion.

We use the wipes for hard surface items, the spray for soft surface items, the soap for handwashing, the liquid is added to cleaning products around the house, and hand sanitiser when out and about.

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Keep a pack of the wipes and a bottle of the hand sanitiser in your jacket or handbag so you can use them when out and about, wiping down the handles to your car doors, doorknobs, stair rails, elevator buttons and so on.

Wipe down with the wipes and then apply the hand sanitiser to your own hands.

But with hand sanitisers being sold out so quickly, what can you do?

An alternative is 70% or 90% Lab grade isopropyl alcohol. It is quite cheap too……for now!

Decant into spray bottles of any size you like and you have your own medical-grade hand sanitiser for use in the home or when out and about.

If you find it a bit too drying or if you have eczema-prone skin, then dilute with aloe vera gel in a ration of 3:1 ie 3 parts isopropyl alcohol to 1 part aloe vera before using.



Another item I highly recommend especially at home is a UV home disinfectant sanitiser light to help keep your home environment protected and safe at all times. It will also help cut down your use of chemicals like liquid sanitisers and isopropyl alcohol.

In our home, I also have a humidifier in each of the living spaces and in each bedroom, including the kids’ rooms. The humidifier we use is the Ultrasonic Essential Oil Aroma Diffuser Air Purifier Humidifier.

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This device is amazing!!ย  Not only does it purify the air, but it also cools it down and diffuses a lovely aroma.ย  It’s fantastic for dry skin, very relaxing in the bedroom, helps the kids fall asleep better and even soothes respiratory issues.

COV-19 is said to cause major respiratory problems, so having this super-cheap device that not only purifies the air,ย  but makes breathing better is a huge plus.

My niece is asthmatic and when she spends the weekend with us, she always comments on how much better she sleeps and breathes.

When adding aroma oils to this device, I recommend using only natural essential oils.

You do not want synthetic oils that smell good but release a lot of unnecessary chemicals and synthetics in the air.

Natural plant essential oils DO have medicinal purposes, even when used as a vapour via a humidifier.

You or baby can’t sleep? Add some lavender and/or chamomile essential oil to this humidifier.

Hubby a heavy snorer? Got a cold, cough? Add some essential oils to the humidifier.

You can read some of then scientific data on the medicinal benefits of essential oils HERE, HERE, and HERE.

The essential oils that I use for protecting from flu and combating infection include Rosemary, Tea Tree, Eucalyptus, Thyme, Peppermint, Lavender, Lemongrass, and Orange.

For best results, use only 10 drops per oil and don’t mix more than 3 different essential oils at a time.

In all honesty, given the level of air pollution we now experience due to modern living, I see the humidifier as a necessity.

Instead of using conventional air fresheners which often contain synthetic or harmful chemicals. or scented candles which can be a fire hazard, if you have pets or kids, humidifiers are a great and natural way to freshen and fragrance the air.

If you are a student, have a humidifier by your bed or on your workstation to improve concentration and focus.

Work in an office? There are tabletop sized humidifiers perfect for this.ย  The air in office buildings is often stuffy, so having a little humidifier on your desk freshens the air, reduces headaches and improves both focus and productivity.

You can even get a humidifier for your car. No need to breathe in city smog or other air pollutants.

Add a few drops any one of these scientifically-proven antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral essential oils, (Rosemary, Tea Tree, Eucalyptus, Thyme, Peppermint, Lavender, Lemongrass) and you can purify and sanitise the air around you, which is very useful for those who work with others, who travel in their vehicles or who have to go into the office.

Even if you are in isolation or not, these air purifier humidifiers, when used as described above, can ease any respiratory issues before it turns into full pneumonia – a key symptom of the Coronavirus

View all the portable air purifiers shown below and more HERE.

Now, this section on hygiene would be incomplete without making a reference to handwashing.

It is vital to remember to wash our hands regularly.

Your hands are one of the main routes that viruses make their way from surfaces to your respiratory system, so keeping them clean is one of the most effective things you can do to reduce your chances of contracting the virus. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.

Wash your hands when you get back home after being outside; when you blow your nose, sneeze or cough, before you eat or handle food and so on.

This cute little graphic is a great way to wash your hands and say your prayers at the same.ย  The kiddies will love it too!

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Also, check out this video made in the 60s on handwashing hygiene.ย  It is still applicable today!


Now, that you have some protective defenses on the outside, let us work on the inside.

Having a strong immune system is vital for combating diseases and the Coronavirus is no different.

Most of the people who got infected or died from it were people with weakened immunity or people with pre-existing health conditions, which also weakens their immunity.

As of today, there is no known effective cure or vaccine for this, so your best chance of surviving it is having an immune system that is fortified to combat it.

Modern life has left a vast majority of us weak and sick, and heavily dependent on pharmaceuticals.

With many of us lacking in vital nutrients and a steady diet of processed food, it is no wonder that sicknesses, illnesses, and flu have risen over the years, despite our health and technological advances.

The current epidemic is a good reminder for us to slow down and take care of the bodies that God has given us.

Your immune system is your body’s defense mechanism against diseases and a weak immune system leaves you open to infection.

Regardless of age, gender or current health condition, supporting and strengthening the immune system should be a priority for us all.ย  It is true what they say: Health indeed IS wealth.

If you have poor health, you are limited in many areas of life.

Why are we content to be a sick and dying society, when we can choose to not just survive, but also thrive?!

Most of us are lacking in basic nutrients, and we cannot even access these nutrients from a healthy diet alone, as our bodies have become so deficient through decades of neglect, that we need to supplement our diets with nutritional supplements.

For those of us who are wives and mothers, the nutrition, health, and life expectancy of your family rest squarely on you.

It is not enough to simply cook up a meal and place it before your family; you must have a general understanding of nutrition, health, basic first aid and so on.

If you remember my video on skills that a feminine woman should have, nutrition is on that list.

Like our ancestors did, we need to get an understanding of the natural world around us, including the use of herbs and plants for both food and medicinal purposes.ย  I have seen amazing things happen in my life and the life of my loved ones through the use of herbal or natural plant protocols being used to balance hormones, boost fertility, support pregnancy, and deal with many ailments.

I am not anti-medicine…heck, my career path was in Chemical Engineering before I got married ……but I believe we must use natural food and natural medicine first and only use conventional medicine as a last resort.

For example, if you were thirsty and a bit dehydrated, you wouldn’t rush into A&E (ER in the US) and ask to be put on an intravenous solution would you? No!ย  You’d drink a glass or two of water first to fix the dehydration.

Speaking of dehydration, many of our foods have been processed so much that they are practically void of micronutrients and minerals.

Swap your table and cooking salt for sea salt or even better Pink Himalayan salt, which restores needed minerals and electrolytes in your body. At Casa di Paige, this is the only salt we use in our food.

Back to Herbalism and Herbal medicine.

In my opinion, a book on basic herbalism should be part of every woman’s home library.

It is just as important as having a cookbook.

If for whatever reason, there is a total or partial collapse of society, what will do you to help yourself and your family with minor ailments?

We have become so sick and dependent on our governments that we are helpless children living in adult bodies.

Get a book on basic herbalism and start there.


I also recommend getting a book on First Aid, if you don’t already have one in the home.

Meanwhile, here are my recommendations on strengthening your immune system and fortifying it against this virus.

These recommendations can help prevent infection and also speed up recovery, if necessary.

The recommendations have been collated from various sources through the years, including the two doctors that I have listed below.

I myself use these recommendations on myself and my family, especially during seasonal flu periods and we have never gotten the flu – EVER. We do not take flu vaccines either.

Fortifying your immune system will reduce the need for you to take flu vaccines, which contain certain chemicals with many many side terms in the short term or longterm, as your body’s own natural immunity will protect you from infection.

I am not anti-medicine, but I am against the use of unnecessary chemicals within the body.

Let your body do what it is supposed to do naturally, restore nutrients lost from your body. and try as little as possible to mess with nature.

There is no cure or vaccine for the Coronavirus, so the best chance you have of surviving this, in addition to the hygiene practices mentioned above, is to have a robust immune system, strong enough to fight it off

Without further ado, here are my recommendations:

Colloidal Silver Spray – spray into the back of throat 2ce daily or when you feel an itchy, scratchy feeling coming on.

You can also squirt some up your nostrils or use cotton buds to swap these areas – these are the places where viruses take hold.

This is why the general health advice being given is DO NOT TOUCH YOUR FACE – bacteria and viruses take hold via mucous membranes ie throat, mouth, ears, eyes and nose.

A sore throat is one of the presenting symptoms of the Coronavirus.

The sore throat then develops into a cough and then into lung infection and pneumonia, which leads to multiple organ failure and death.

Stopping the infection in its tracks can help prevent or slow down the development of the defense and this is why Colloidal Silver is fantastic for its antiseptic (prevents sepsis), antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties.ย  It’s safe for all ages and you only need a little.

In combination with fresh garlic, it is one of my favourite go-tos for nipping infection in the bud.

I have even used it to treat styes in the kids’ eyes.

Use only 2-3ce a day for no more than 3-5 days at a time.

Vitamin C – 2x 1000mg doses, 4 – 5 times a day; space the doses out through the day

Our body loses Vitamin C very easily.ย  In fact, we lose vitamin C when we urinate, sweat and even when we breathe, so topping up is crucial as Vitamin C is one of the go-to for immune support.

It is practically impossible to overdose on Vitamin C.ย  You can reach what is called bowel tolerance – this is where you will find that you have a much looser bowel movement.

If this happens and you have a runny poo, then stop Vitamin C for half a day before restarting.

Zinc – 30mg a day

Zinc is another Vitamin that is vital for immune support and particularly useful for protecting you from colds and flu of all kinds.

Selenium – 100mcg a day

This vitamin is a powerhouse and has been shown to protect against many viruses including Zika and even Ebola.

Vitamin D3 5000 IU capsules

Let’s face it. If you live in the Western world, especially in temperate regions where sunshine is not as plentiful as in say Africa, Amazon or Australia, you ARE deficient in Vitamin D. This is one of those vitamins that are hard to supplement through food, so it is best to get it via a capsule supplement.

Vitamin D also increases our bodyโ€™s production of cathelicidin, an antimicrobial compound, to help fight viral and bacterial infections.

The following herbs are all great adaptogens.

They also help to strengthen your organs such as your lungs, liver, and kidneys.

COVID-19 causes multiple organ failure so it is wise to make sure your internal organs are in tip-top shape.

I recommend getting them in the powder version.ย  Mix them all in a bottle or jar, and simply take a tablespoon or two.

When I have a bowl of soup, I add a tablespoon of this mix to my soup.

You can even make a tea by adding the powders to a mug of warm water, sweetened with honey, if you like.

You can get the following herbs in capsule form, but if you are like me who gags at having to take many pills, then the powder is best for you.

Herbs are more effective when taken as close as possible to their raw state.

So the least effective mode of administration would be via tablets, followed next by capsules, followed next by powders and then finally teas.

As you can see, the smaller the molecule, the quicker it gets absorbed into the body and the more effective it is.

Herbs are: Dandelion root, Burdock root, Dandelion leaf, Nettle leaf, Ashwagandha, Siberian ginseng, Tumeric, and Reishi powder

Food-wise, be sure to eat a portion of raw vegetables daily, especially leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables.

Chop it or grate them up really small and season.

You can add bacon bits for flavour or simply flavour it with a little oil (coconut or olive oil), black pepper, and salt.

You can serve with rice, mixed sweet peppers and so on.

Don’t forget to add a generous helping of 1-2 raw garlic (finely chopped), a pinch of ginger or cayenne powder, and fresh or dried parsley, and mix it well.ย  These 3 herbs have immense medicinal benefits.

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If you cannot stomach raw vegetables, you can steam them lightly for no more than 5 minutes and serve.

Something else that I do is I make a super smoothie using a portion of fresh or frozen mixed fruit, 1 tablespoon of peanut butter or other nut butter for protein, milk, honey to taste, 1 portion of grated raw vegetables, and then 1 teaspoon of any of the herbal powders listed above.

This is so filling and leaves me with a lot of energy – you are welcome to try it or your variation of it.

Finally, on the food front, get a serving of pickled vegetables or fermented food every day.

A serving will be about two tablespoons and there so many types of pickled vegetables you can choose from cucumbers, sauerkraut, pickled beets, pickled onions, gherkins, pickled cabbage and more.

Fermented foods are a good source of natural enzymes and probiotics, which helps your stomach break down food properly so the right nutrients can be absorbed into your body from your food.

Pickled veggies also help your body produce more of the good bacteria that it needs to produce to fight infections and bad bacteria.

Hydrate and then hydrate some more!ย  Stick with plain water, herbal teas, or water flavoured with fresh fruit slices.

The virus hates heat and one of the Italian patients who recovered mentioned that he was encouraged by the doctors to drink lots of warm water, on the hour, every hour!

It was the Father of Modern Medicine himself, Hippocrates, whose Hippocratic Oath is taken by all doctors and nurses, that said “Let food be thy medicine”

He had the right idea!! Food should be the first port of call for healing and health, not the hospital!


The Girls Guide motto is “Be Prepared” and as a former Girls Guide, that motto is part of my ethos in life.

Panic-buying is not something I would ever do, but being prepared is.

To the people who say it is fearmongering to be prepared, it is not.

It is actually more foolish to NOT be prepared.

Remember the parable of the foolish virgins in the Bible? Ya, don’t be a foolish virgin.

As Christians, we are called to prep.ย  We are called to watch and pray, to remain in a state of grace, to be prepared.

Even Noah was a prepper too. There is nothing silly about being prepared – it is smart and responsible.

Overall, I would recommend stocking up on enough food and household supplies to last you 6 to 8 weeks.

I cannot tell exactly what you need to stock up on, but I will give a general guide:

Paracetamol – for minor aches and pains, as well as bringing down fevers.ย  To treat a fever, use 2x 500mg paracetamol every 6 hours for two days.

Fresh Garlic –ย lots of this.ย  At the first sign of infection or scratchy throat, crush up one clove of garlic and drink with water.ย  Repeat 3 to 4 times a day.

Garlic has antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial properties and will take care of most infections when used at the onset.

I have even seen slices of fresh garlic applied to cold sores and the sores were less painful and dried up in 24 hours and gone in 48 hours

Your Prescription Medicine – this will be any prescription medicine that you may need for pre-existing conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes and so on.

Food – It might be tempting to stock the freezer with fresh meat and so on, but in a worst-case scenario, there could be a power cut lasting weeks.

The bulk of the food types that you should stock up on should be dry food, canned foods, dried spices, dried beans, rice, lentils and pasta, flour, powdered milk, canned fish, canned meats and so on.

While it is important, of course, to have some toilet paper, you don’t need to stockpile it.

In fact, if you are a woman or have a baby, you should definitely get some REUSABLE CLOTH SANITARY TOWELS and some REUSABLE CLOTH NAPPIES.

I received this list >>> PrepList_V2 (1) via a social media group.ย  You are welcome to use it as a guide.

THIS is another good guide for prepping and being prepared.

You may not be able to acquire everything all at once and you may not even want to, but start first with items that are top priority such as food, and then work your way up from there.

Finally, with many churches either shutting their doors, having no access to holy water or stopping the distribution of the Eucharist or even stopping Masses, it is important to remain a state of grace – ALWAYS.

Things could escalate at a moment’s notice and the government could impose a quarantine on the entire city, and this means everyone stays home – No Mass!!ย  So, staying in a state of grace is essential.

Avoid anything or anyone that will make you fall from this state – see my first rule above – AVOID STRESS.

Use these spiritual reinforcements.

Pray the Rosary and if you have children, be sure to bind them to Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart, using the prayer below.

“With this Rosary, I bind my children to the Immaculate Heart of Mary for her guidance and protection.”

Pray Psalm 91 daily as well as the original Saint Michael the Archangel prayer.

This article will be updated as further developments arise, so do check back now and again.

Our Lady, Help of the Sick, pray for us.





DR. JOHN CAMPBELL– I highly recommend you follow his youtube channel. He provides regular updates on COV-19, almost daily, along with practical advice and tips on how to manage or prevent transmission or infection.

ย ad Jesum per Mariam



4 thoughts on “Surviving The Coronavirus

    1. Iโ€™m shocked that you are utterly obtuse and clearly unable to read cos Iโ€™m pretty certain I mentioned being and remaining in a state of grace!!


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