Toddlers And Temper Tantrums

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Someone asked what I thought about Prince Louiโ€™s tantrum and restlessness at the Platinum Jubilee celebrations this weekend.


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If you missed it, he was very expressive, restless, pulled so many faces, thumbed at his mother and even placed his hand over her mouth when she was trying to soothe him. Lol.

Prince Louis, prince Louis balcony, prince Louis faces, prince Louis behaviour, prince Louis steals the show, queens platinum jubilee, platinum jubilee, toddler tantrum, toddler temper tantrum, toddler tantrums, toddler tantrums mumsnet, toddler tantrum what to do, toddler tantrum when told no, traditional catholic parenting, traditional catholic mother, traditional catholic motherhood, traditional catholic mom, catholic motherhood, catholic motherhood books, catholic teaching on motherhood, catholic mothers, catholic parenting, catholic parenting books, catholic parenting resources, catholic parenting advice, catholic parenting tips, catholic parenting advice,

As a parent of a toddler and also a trained psychotherapist, I can tell you this – Louis was behaving exactly like any 4 year old would at the time.

Given his age and stage of development, his behaviour is perfectly normal and expected.

When there is so much going on, as there was during the Jubilee celebrations, children and in particular, toddlers, can get overwhelmed and they will have ALL THESE BIG EMOTIONS that they cannot process properly.

Prince Louis, prince Louis balcony, prince Louis faces, prince Louis behaviour, prince Louis steals the show, queens platinum jubilee, platinum jubilee, toddler tantrum, toddler temper tantrum, toddler tantrums, toddler tantrums mumsnet, toddler tantrum what to do, toddler tantrum when told no, traditional catholic parenting, traditional catholic mother, traditional catholic motherhood, traditional catholic mom, catholic motherhood, catholic motherhood books, catholic teaching on motherhood, catholic mothers, catholic parenting, catholic parenting books, catholic parenting resources, catholic parenting advice, catholic parenting tips, catholic parenting advice,


They are toddlers. They simply do not have the cognitive skills at that age to be able to self-regulate appropriately.

Iโ€™m shocked to see people getting their knickers in a twist over this.

Itโ€™s good to see the Cambridges showcasing their parenting skills publicity and allowing their children to be appropriate children and not beating or disciplining it out of them.
And Catherine handled it very well.


And let us not forget – very young royal children in the past don’t exactly have a history of behaving perfectly at public events.

The unrealistic expectations some people have of children is exactly why we have traumatised children who grow into adults with mental health issues.

What’s next – getting a hissy fit at babies kicking in the womb??
Expecting a baby in utero to recite their ABCs??

The other day, I saw a video on social media showing a toddler (about 2 years old) talking back, saying No repeatedly, clapping her hands and generally having an attitude towards her mother.

And the comments shocked me.

There is no need to think this behaviour will be the same at 16 or even 13.
Most children grow out of it by age 7.

This behaviour is perfectly normal and necessary at that age of the childโ€™s mental and psychological development. The child is learning to form their own identity separate from the parent.

Even our Lady must have had her heart in her mouth when Jesus went missing for 3 days and when she found him in the temple, he gave her attitude, like โ€œsheesh, mom! Donโ€™t you know I must be about my Fatherโ€™s businessโ€

That attitude is perfectly normal at that age.

Eeven God Himself incarnate as man, still went through all the normal developmental stages a child goes through.

Like, what is wrong with people these days??!

If they are not trying to murder the babies in the womb, they want to mutilate their sex organs or force them into unrealistic moulds of behaviour when they are out of the womb.

Modern culture seems to viciously hate children and it sickens me.

Let children simply be children.

And even if you are not a psychotherapist or psychologist, if you are a parent, I thoroughly recommend getting really good books on the basics of child psychology, as well as child parenting books.

There are a few recommendations below

Our Lady, Model of Motherhood, pray for us.



How To Raise Good Catholic Childrenย  ย  ย ย We And Our Children: How To Make A Catholic Home

ย ad Jesum per Mariam



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